Thursday, November 20, 2008

Welcome, fellow secular humanists, rationalists, atheists, misanthropes, heathens, Grinches and Scrooges! You've arrived here because, like me, you wish to be a fellow warrior against Christmas, and all its religious trappings. We've got a long battle to fight, but we've already had our first victory: forcing department stores to change their greetings to "Happy Holidays"! As a secular humanist, I'm quite frankly disgusted any time that I am wished a "Merry Christmas", and make sure to flip off any individual who does so. Any time I see the colors green, red and white together (except for the Italian flag) I shiver. If I hear someone whistling carols, I'll whistle a completely secular song louder (Jingle Bells is a favorite of mine- it has no mention of Christmas or Christ at all!). This blog will have all the information YOU NEED in order to ensure that your children and your childrens' children won't have a white christmas- merely a completely ordinary December. It's the least we can do for them.